National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens

The National Reentry Network for Returning Citizens’ (NRNRC) works with the previously incarcerated men and women as well as others who are caught up in the criminal justice system. NRNRC’s mission is to build a strong, national network comprised of individuals returning from incarceration who support each other’s successful reintegration. They use a client-centered approach to identify basic needs and to create a continuum of care that can address barriers to reentry, promote restorative practices, and reduce recidivism. NRNRC meets the needs of these individuals through various successful modalities, partnerships and agencies. NRNRC’s Reentry initiative starts with a peer to peer mentoring model that features a relationship with a successful returned citizen and matches them up with a returning citizen. This process help the returning person navigate possible services and much needed programs, but helps to temper the barriers and discrimination the individual will experience. NRNRC also offers a job readiness component that is curriculum base and we have a proven method pipeline to employment. NRNRC offers Restorative Justice Circles that include but not limited to conflict resolution, harm reduction, peace circles and community and family reunification. Also, they do voter registration and voter education campaigns and information sharing along with the Board of Ethics. Finally, NRNRC has incorporated a diversion program that supports alternatives to prison and divesting in the police, and helping communities to look within to resolve issues and problems as they arise and healing. There are no restrictions on which returning citizens NRNRC serves.